Thursday, July 30, 2015


I used to think that the biggest reward to making 7 figures online was going to be the money.
For many years, I chased that goal.
Finally, at the age of 25 I achieved it.
And, I was surprised to discover the real reward was something entirely different.
It was the person I needed to become, in order to attract a million dollars into my life.

Make no mistake about it: you’re going to have to become a much better, stronger version of yourself in order for it to happen.
And that my friend, is your reward.
With these new attributes, attracting your 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th million becomes easier and easier.
Like a huge diesel locomotive - you’ll struggle to get moving, but once you get some momentum behind you, you’ll cruise with near-unstoppable ease.
It took me over 3 full, long years online to make my 7 figures online.

To make my second, it took less than another 7 months.
The third… closer to 3 months.
I don’t tell you that to brag.
I just want you to encourage you to have some patience, settle in for the long haul, and to show you that becoming this better version of yourself is what you should strive for.
The beginning of this process - getting those big wheels of your locomotive to begin to turn-is to simply get your first commission online.
You can listen to other people tell you all day long what that feels like.
But until you experience it for yourself - it’s just theory.
It all starts here
Go through those 21 steps and implement.
Once you get your first commission (which will be 1k, 3k or 5k) it’s just a matter of taking the same actions that led to that initial result, and you’ll be able to get it again, and again.
And through all of this, you’ll begin to change – you’ll become a new version of yourself - the kind of person who attracts large wealth into your life.

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